Art is often said to be the solution; possessing the ability to soothe restless souls, relieve loneliness but also guide the heart in finding hope - that ray of much needed light when one is feeling ambiguous and hesitant.
Those borderless gardens I longed for in the past, the cosmic planets I fantasized about as a child, the memories of ancestors and objects from the past... All these emotions and fragments of the imagination that cannot be described by pen and ink, finally break through the limitations of the surface and make history before our eyes. Just when that small ball of light symbolising hope almost passed us by, like the illusory Northern Lights that smudge the sky and the sea, and the fluttering tender leaves and petals that were about to touch the tip of your nose and mine...
The examination of happenings and thoughts from everyday life form the main axis of DAYBREAK's creations, which will expose surface impressions that initially seem to be taken for granted, crossover with other realms of life and awaken aspirations that have been buried in the heart. We anticipate seeing you in this new dimension, brainstorming on the next new breakthrough and unlimited possibilities.